Selasa, 15 Februari 2011


In this blog, I'd like to share my experience teaching at Particular Vocational High School Jambi.  Here, I'd like to start with my common activities as teacher, as  the head of student's organization , and as my personal development.

First, I'd like to talk about my duty as a teacher.  You know teaching is my biggest hobby, I found it at ease and could probably be changing my whole life  so far... i came at first moment that i used to make my relatives and surrounding study and learn about english itself.  I  shared my knowledge about language to my brother, sister and friends.  I loved teaching since then.. I continued to jambi university at Education and teacher training faculty, and became a teacher in 2000.  I enjoy teaching because i can develop my own career and priority and  dedicate my full time in education.  I always want to share with others with my knowledge.. here i'd like to talk with you more about this in my web blog.. please come and have a talk in education...

Second, I have ever gathered with jambi culture community, this community then affiiated to teater tonggak jambi and also the founder of Oranye Theatre Jambi University. I then continued developing those hobbies in drama, poem, and others in my teaching,  I gathered students to drama community in smkn 4 jambi namely : TORCH Theatre, SMKN 4 Jambi.  I and my students focused on drama, video making, poem reading and many others.  This is usually performed in Weekly Verification of Vocational School.  it was great moment to share with others

Third,  at this moment I develop my own career and education by going to Post graduate program of Education Technology  Jambi university,  Here I can learn a lot about many theories, practical things, and Media application.  I am now being supervised by Mr. Syamsurizal and Mrs. Rahmawati to accomplish my thesis entitled: Web based Multimedia interactive for Vocational School.  I really enjoy my thesis. Hopefully i can improve my knowledge and finish my study soon.

Finally, I really respect that we can share everything here and  if you are really tougher with education, you will probably reach your own goals.

1 komentar:

  1. One of the important point as teacher how to close and identify your student need.
